Episode 38: Emily Stutzman's Sustainability Journey


My friend Emily Stutzman joins the podcast to share her origin story of becoming the Director of Undergraduate Programs in the Institute for Sustainable Practice at Lipscomb University. Highlights include the spirituality of helping birth a baby calf, traveling to Uganda to conduct research, and all the lessons she has learned on her way to teaching and researching sustainable ways of living. Emily can be reached at eastutzman@lipscomb.edu. Please subscribe to this podcast!

Episode 37: What I've Learned #1


Welcome to a brand new offering of the podcast: What I've Learned---a short solocast segment with me sharing three key lessons I'm digesting from previous guests on the podcast. This week I discuss quotes and ideas from Bobby Jackson, Mariah Ragland, and David Cho. The goal of this podcast is not only to honor the power of story, but to learn from other peope's lives and that is the point of this new segment---to unpack and digest my personal key takeaways from episodes. Please subscribe on iTunes or wherever you get podcasts!

Episode 36: David Cho on Defeating Inertia and the Challenge of Following One's Path


David Cho is an old friend I have known for over 15 years. He holds a Doctorate in Physical Therapy, but early in college he questioned if he was on the right path while majoring in an entirely different field. This conversation focuses on the chances he took and the changes he made to move in a direction of greater alignment. He can be found at newcarept.com. If you're enjoying this podcast, please leave a review on Apple iTunes.

Episode Thirty Five: A Bonus Solocast on the Seasonality of Following Your Passion


From October 2017 to October 2020, the podcast was on hiatus, a passion that I struggled to place in the whole of my life. To kick off 2021, I wanted to offer a solocast sharing the key lesson I learned that ultimately helped me resurrect the podcast. If you enjoy the podcast, please head to Apple iTunes and write a review or share with a friend. For more episodes head to epicordinarylives.com!

Episode Thirty Four: Seth Budai on Becoming an Entrepreneur and Creating the Elemental Trainer

Seth Budai returns for part two of our conversation, this time focusing on his leap into entrepreneurship during the pandemic. We talk at length both about the lessons learned starting the business as well as what the Elemental Trainer is all about. You can find seth at thelementaltrainer.com. If you enjoy this episode, please review it on Apple iTunes.

Episode Thirty Three: Seth Budai on Taking Risks to Find Alignment and Home

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Many of us can relate to the experience of feeling that we are perhaps not in the right place during sections of our lives. Seth Budai shares his story of taking the necessary risks required to move toward a path of greater alignment as well as his journey of moving to the place he calls home. He can be found at https://www.theelementaltrainer.com.

Episode Thirty Two: Mariah Ragland's Epic Entrepreneurial Journey

This week Mariah Ragland of Radical Rabbit joins the podcast to share her epic entrepreneurial journey. Her diverse career path, which has included such gigs as selling snacks out of her dorm room and professional DJ'ing, has culminated in the creation of Radical Rabbit serving, delicious, Vegan soulfood. For more on Radical Rabbit, you can head to radrab.com. If you enjoy this podcast, please subscribe and share it with a friend! More episodes at epicordinarylives.com.

Episode Thirty One: Lauren Palmer on Blooming Where You are Planted

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Lauren Palmer the owner of Bloomsbury Farm shares the lessons learned and challenges overcome in creating her farm. This story is particularly powerful because she did not start out in the field of farming, yet pursued her passion and learned many along the way. For more of her work, you can go to bloomsburyfarms.com. For more episodes of this podcast, head to epicordinarylives.com.